Wednesday, July 4, 2007

First Post!

Well, here I am.
A proper blog site...

All hail the Crimson King! What does it mean? Well it has two meaning for me - One is the band King Crimson and the other is the from the Stephen King series 'The Dark Tower'. Also my fileserver is called darktower (Black tower case)

I have had some post online before, on and on my own page what I made. But I figure why not use the tools available here... At least I won't have to do any html to get this up :)

Quickly about myself, I am a 35 year old male from New Zealand. I work for a rural district council as the IT Officer, I look after GIS, Website/Intranet, user support, and some server admin stuff.
I have 2 cats (7 month old kittens), I'll try not to bore you senseless with lots of cat pics - lol.
I'm in computers and the internet (obviously), I download a lot of TV episodes and stuff from the web, as NZ TV is so far behind the US. I'm into music - Mainly metal and prog rock \m/
And I read a lot of Fantasy and Sci-Fi. My favourite author is Brian Lumley.
I use IRC a lot and am the owner of the channel #hamilton on undernet - come say Hi!

This blog is likely to contain all manner of ramblings, including NZ politics, boring stuff that I am doing, stuff about linux (I run ubuntu), music, movies, LAN's, crazy links and pictures... In other words, the usual stuff :)

I'm hoping I can make posts at least weekly, but we will see how that goes :P

1 comment:

Asbiorne said...

w00t! Excellent, hopefully you'll be a more regular updater than I :-)
Another Crimson King link is on the WASP album, Crimson Idol - it's a popular image/archetype, evidently. Probably because metallers like blood (crimson) and power (kingship). Long may you reign, Wolfric :-)